Although we can certainly set up a personal Pinterest account for you, you’re likely here because you want to create a business account (or convert your existing personal account to a business account). If this is you, then you possibly already know that a Pinterest business account is free. It also has more features to help Creators and businesses grow compared to a personal account, such as:

  • Access to detailed analytics
  • Ability to create Rich Pins
  • Access to promoted pins
  • Access to paid advertising features
  • Ability to claim and link to your website
  • Access to Pinterest’s Verified Merchant Program

Still haven’t made up your mind as to whether a business or personal account is right for you, then think of it this way. A personal account is a simple Pinterest account and is typically about you. A business account on the other hand is more feature-rich and is about them i.e. your ideal audience. It’s worth noting that Pinterest’s terms of service also state that personal accounts should not be used for commercial purposes.